Dafny Power User:
The Parent Trick for proving termination, and a function-by-method use case
K. Rustan M. Leino
Manuscript KRML 283, 11 February 2022

Abstract. This note proves termination for a common situation of mutually recursive functions. After that, it takes an arduous journey to turn an aggregating set operation into compiled code, which gives an opportunity to showcase Dafny's function-by-method construct.

0. Motivating example: sets of strings

A nonempty prefix-closed set S of strings can be stored as a DAG where each edge is labeled with one character. The presence in S of a string L is represented by the presence of a path from the root of the DAG through edges whose labels, in order, spell out L. For example, a DAG that represents the set {"", "a", "ab", "b"} is

            Node (root)
            /  \
           a    b
          /      \
        Node      |
          \       |
           b      |
            \    /

We declare the data structure for storing such sets of strings as follows:

datatype StringSet = Node(children: map<char, StringSet>)

predicate In(s: string, tree: StringSet) {
   s == "" ||
   var ch := s[0];
      ch in tree.children.Keys &&
      In(s[1..], tree.children[ch])

lemma Examples() {
  var tree :=
    var empty := Node(map[]);
    var n := Node(map['b' := empty]);
    Node(map['a' := n, 'b' := empty]);
  assert In("", tree);
  assert In("ab", tree);
  assert !In("xyz", tree);

1. Two mutually recursive functions

Let's write a function that computes the length of the longest string in the set. We'll do it using two mutually recursive functions (and a helper function Maximum).

function MaxLen(tree: StringSet): nat {
  if tree.children == map[] then
    1 + MaxLenForest(tree.children.Values)

function MaxLenForest(trees: set<StringSet>): nat {
  if trees == {} then
    var t :| t in trees;
    var m := MaxLen(t);
    var n := MaxLenForest(trees - {t});
    Maximum(m, n)

function Maximum(x: int, y: int): int {
  if x < y then y else x

But herein lies a problem: proving termination. As it stands, the verifier complains that it cannot prove termination for the call from MaxLen to MaxLenForest or for the call from MaxLenForest to MaxLen. (But it is able to prove termination for the recursive call to MaxLenForest.)

Let's remind ourselves of what the decreases clauses for the two functions are, since we didn't write them explicitly and thus get Dafny's defaults. If you hover over the functions in the IDE, you'll discover that the decreases clauses that Dafny used are the following:

function MaxLen(tree: StringSet): nat
  decreases tree

function MaxLenForest(trees: set<StringSet>): nat
  decreases trees

Termination for the recursive call of MaxLenForest verifies, because trees - {t} is smaller than tree. But for the other two calls, it's no wonder that termination cannot be proved, since Dafny's built-in well-founded order does not relate datatypes (here, StringSet) and sets.

If we could arrange for the decreases clauses to have the same type, or at least that the types of one is a prefix of the types of the other, we may be able to make progress. This can be done by thinking of MaxLenForest as operating in “the context of” an enclosing tree, that is, the “parent” tree of the forest. Adding such a parent parameter to MaxLenForest and, for the purpose of this presentation, showing the default decreases clauses explicitly, we get:

function MaxLen(tree: StringSet): nat
  decreases tree
  if tree.children == map[] then
    1 + MaxLenForest(tree, tree.children.Values)

function MaxLenForest(parent: StringSet, trees: set<StringSet>): nat
  decreases parent, trees
  if trees == {} then
    var t :| t in trees;
    var m := MaxLen(t);
    var n := MaxLenForest(parent, trees - {t});
    Maximum(m, n)

This is a little better, because now the verifier can prove the termination of the call from MaxLen to MaxLenForest. The reason it can do that is that Dafny's lexicographic ordering considers the 2-tuple tree, tree.children.Values to be smaller than the 1-tuple tree.

But we still need to prove termination of the call from MaxLenForest back to MaxLen. We'd like to argue that this call terminates because t is “smaller than”that is, structurally included inthe enclosing parent. But this information is not spelled out in the program. To make the information available, we need to write a precondition for MaxLenForest that says that the forest in enclosed in parent. Dafny allows operator < to be used with datatypes, with the meaning of “structurally included in”.

function MaxLen(tree: StringSet): nat
  decreases tree
  if tree.children == map[] then
    1 + MaxLenForest(tree, tree.children.Values)

function MaxLenForest(parent: StringSet, trees: set<StringSet>): nat
  requires forall t :: t in trees ==> t < parent
  decreases parent, trees
  if trees == {} then
    var t :| t in trees;
    var m := MaxLen(t);
    var n := MaxLenForest(parent, trees - {t});
    Maximum(m, n)

With that precondition, the verifier completes the proof of the program.

2. Why the Parent Trick works

So, although Dafny's well-founded order does not relate datatypes and sets, even for a set that is structurally included in a datatype value, the verifier does know that the elements of that set (assuming the type of the elements is a datatype) are structurally included in the parent. In symbols, the well-founded order does not let you prove

tree.children < tree

but it does let you prove

tree.children[i] < tree

for any i in range. This is why “the parent trick” is an idiom that lets you prove termination for these sorts of mutually recursive functions.

In summary, the need for the parent trick came about because we had two mutually recursive functions. This meant that we needed to “remember” the context in which the MaxLenForest function is called, which is done by passing the extra parameter. If MaxLenForest somehow were written as just one recursive function, then we would still use Dafny's knowledge that a datatype value d inside the set inside a datatype value D is structurally included in D (and thus d < D), but we wouldn't need to apply the parent trick to pass the context as a parameter. I will show such an example below (see function MaxLen in Section 6).

3. Two more remarks

First, in presenting the program above, I explicitly showed the decreases clauses. But if you list the parameters in the order that I did, then the explicit decreases clause will coincide with Dafny's defaults. So, you can omit the decreases clauses and the verifier will still be able to prove the program.

Second, as I wrote them, the functions are ghost, so they are erased by the compiler and not available at run time. If you want the functions to be available at run time, you might be bothered by having to pass the “parent” parameter along everywhere. This is easily solved by then marking the “parent” parameter as ghost. This is possible, because parent is not used by the function, other than for its proof, so it's fine if the compiler erases the parameter.

4. Segue into an arduous journey

If you try doing what I just said in the two remarks, the functions will be declared as follows:

function method MaxLen(tree: StringSet): nat {
  if tree.children == map[] then
    1 + MaxLenForest(tree, tree.children.Values)

function method MaxLenForest(ghost parent: StringSet, trees: set<StringSet>): nat
  requires forall t :: t in trees ==> t < parent
  if trees == {} then
    var t :| t in trees;
    var m := MaxLen(t);
    var n := MaxLenForest(parent, trees - {t});
    Maximum(m, n)

but you'll notice an error:

var t :| t in trees;
^ here
Error: to be compilable, the value of a let-such-that expression must be
uniquely determined

This is a completely different problem than the termination problem we worked to solve above. The problem is that the choice of a t that satisfies t in trees is not unique, as is required for compiling the let-such-that expression. The reasons for this restriction are explained in a different paper [0]. If you don't care about compiling MaxLen, you can stop reading now. Otherwise, stretch your legs, get more coffee, and keep reading.

5. Making a unique choice

To make the choice of t unique, we need to strengthen the constraint in the let-such-that expression. For example, we might want to pick the “smallest” of the values in trees. But what does “smallest” mean among a set of StringSet trees? An easier way out is to change the program to pass the whole map tree.children to MaxLenForest, rather than just the children trees themselves (tree.childre.Values). Then, we can pick the smallest among the labels, whichsince our labels have type charis easy to do. Here's what we get:

function method MaxLen(tree: StringSet): nat {
  if tree.children == map[] then
    1 + MaxLenForest(tree, tree.children)

function method MaxLenForest(ghost parent: StringSet,
                             children: map<char, StringSet>): nat
  requires forall lbl :: lbl in children.Keys ==> children[lbl] < parent
  if children == map[] then
    var lbl :|
      lbl in children.Keys &&
      forall lbl' :: lbl' in children.Keys ==> lbl <= lbl';
    var m := MaxLen(children[lbl]);
    var n := MaxLenForest(parent, children - {lbl});
    Maximum(m, n)

Note that the expression children - {lbl} is a map-domain subtraction. That is, it denotes the map that is like children, except it doesn't have the key lbl.

The additional constraint makes the choice unique. However, now that we've strengthened it, the verifier is no longer convinced there is any choice for lbl. To fix this problem, we need to demonstrate that every nonempty set of characters has a smallest element. The easiest way to conduct such a demonstration is to compute it:

function PickSmallest(s: set<char>): (ch: char)
  requires s != {}
  ensures ch in s && forall ch' :: ch' in s ==> ch <= ch'
  var ch :| ch in s;
  if ch' :| ch' in s && ch' < ch then
    var s' := s - {ch};
    assert s == s' + {ch};

“But wait!”, you say. "How come this function gets away with the weak let-such-that constraint that was a problem in MaxLenForest?" It's because PickSmallest is a ghost function, so its let-such-that expression does not have the uniqueness requirement (see [0]). Alright, then, so our final step is to use function PickSmallest just before the let-such-that expression in MaxLenForest:

function method MaxLenForest(ghost parent: StringSet,
                             children: map<char, StringSet>): nat
  requires forall lbl :: lbl in children.Keys ==> children[lbl] < parent
  if children == map[] then
    ghost var smallest := PickSmallest(children.Keys);
    var lbl :|
      lbl in children.Keys &&
      forall lbl' :: lbl' in children.Keys ==> lbl <= lbl';
    var m := MaxLen(children[lbl]);
    var n := MaxLenForest(parent, children - {lbl});
    Maximum(m, n)

After putting the result of PickSmallest into a ghost variable, the verifier has all the evidence it needs for the existence of a value of lbl. So, this concludes our program.

6. Restructuring the recursion

The running example has already showed several techniques and features in Dafny. But in our final program above, we still have a rather big and unsatisfying let-such-that constraint. The mandate that we have to pick a unique element from the set seems unnecessarily harsh, since all we're trying to do is compute the maximum of a set, and the maximum will be the same regardless of which order we consider the elements in. So, what we'd like to do is use nondeterminism inside MaxLenForest, as long as we can prove that the nondeterminism does not affect the result. And Dafny has just the feature for this: function-by-method declarations.

To make a reusable function, let's define a general function Max as follows:

function method Max(s: set<int>): int
  requires s != {}
  ensures Max(s) in s
  ensures forall z :: z in s ==> z <= Max(s)

By constructing the set of elements we want to take the maximum of, we can use Max in MaxLen:

function method MaxLen(tree: StringSet): nat {
  if tree.children == map[] then
    var s := set t | t in tree.children.Values :: MaxLen(t);
    assert s != {} by {
      assert forall lbl ::
        lbl in tree.children.Keys ==> MaxLen(tree.children[lbl]) in s;
    1 + Max(s)

As you see here, the verifier needed help in proving that s is nonempty. This proof obligation is addressed by asserting that, for every label in (the known to be nonempty) tree.children, s contains the MaxLen of the corresponding value. (Since MaxLen is now recursive and doesn't go through a mutually recursive function like MaxLenForest, we don't need the parent trick. That is, there's no longer a need to pass any additional context parameter.)

7. A more efficient choice

From now on, we'll focus just on Max. It would be nice to write its body as

  var x :| x in s;
  if s == {x} then
    var s' := s - {x};
    assert s == s' + {x};
    var y := Max(s');
    Maximum(x, y)

Alas, this is not allowed, because the compiled let-such-that does not uniquely determine the value for x. This is the exactly the problem that we started with and want to steer around!

Function-by-method to the rescue.

8. Function-by-method

Say what?! A function-by-method is a combination of a function and method. The body of the function part of a function-by-method is a ghost expression, but this expression acts just as the specification for what value is to be returned. The body of the method part of the function-by-method then gives a compilable method body for computing the value.

Using a bit of program text, the basic idea is to declare a function-by-method like

function F(x: X): (y: Y)
  requires Pre(x)
  ensures Post(x, y)
} by method {

where Expr is a ghost expression (the “function part”) and MBody is a compilable statement list (the “method part”).

To explain the meaning of this function-by-method, it's helpful to look at it as two declarations:

function F(x: X): (y: Y)
  requires Pre(x)
  ensures Post(x, y)

method _F(x: X) returns (y: Y)
  requires Pre(x)
  ensures y == F(x)

Now, Dafny arranges that every use of the original function-by-method in a ghost context calls ghost function F, and that every use of the function-by-method is a non-ghost context calls the compiled method _F.

Note that any ensures clause on the original function-by-method is a proof obligation of the function part. The postcondition of the method part is y == F(x). (I'll come back to this point later.)

9. Max as a function-by-method

Using a function-by-method declaration, we write Max as follows:

function Max(s: set<int>): (m: int)
  requires s != {}
  ensures m in s && forall z :: z in s ==> z <= m
  var x :| x in s;
  if s == {x} then
    var s' := s - {x};
    assert s == s' + {x};
    var y := Max(s');
    Maximum(x, y)
} by method {
   m :| m in s;
   var r := s - {m};
   while r != {}
     invariant r < s
     invariant m in s && forall z :: z in s - r ==> z <= m
     var x :| x in r;
     assert forall z :: z in s - (r - {x}) ==> z in s - r || z == x;
     r := r - {x};
     if m < x {
       m := x;
   assert s - {} == s;

This function-by-method verifies as given. However, the reason it verifies is subtle and may not be what you expect (especially if this is the first time you see a function-by-method). Let me explain the reason and then show a more typical proof of a function-by-method.

The point of the method part of a function-by-method is to provide a method implementation that returns exactly the same value as the given function body. For this reason, the postcondition that the method body has to satisfy is m == Max(s). This is a very precise postcondition. The ensures clause declared in the function-by-method applies to the function part. It is usually much less precise; in fact, for most functions, this ensures clause is omitted, since the body of the function transparently says what the result value is.

In general, just because the method part of a function-by-method happens to satisfy the ensures clause of the function-by-method does not mean the method part is correct. But in our Max example, the two coincide, because the ensures clause I gave for the function-by-method uniquely determines m. Thus, any method body that satisfies this ensures clause also satisfies m == Max(s). (You can confirm this by deleting m in s from the ensures clause. This will cause the method part to fail to verify, while the function part still verifies.)

10. A more common situation

A more generally applicable pattern for proving the method part of a recursive makes use of the function in the loop invariant. To illustrate this, I will remove the ensures clause of Max. Consequently, the iterative method body needs to establish that it computes exactly what the recursion function body does.

The idea is to use a body like this:

  m :| m in s;
  var r := {m};
  while r != s
    invariant {} != r <= s
    invariant m == Max(r)
    var x :| x in s - r;
    r := r + {x};
    if m < x {
      m := x;

This loops maintains the invariant m == Max(r) while enlarging r until it becomes s. Doing this proof is tricky, because of two issues. Both of these issues have standard solutions, which are really good to know. The two issues and solutions are explained for a simpler example in another Dafny Power User note [1], but it seems worthwhile to show them here as well.

11. Naming the choice

The first issue is that the let-such-that expression is like a function, but by Dafny semantics it may be a different function for each textual occurrence of :| (see [0]). It is easy to become confused and frustrated if, without realizing it, you're using more than one :| function. Therefore, let's make sure there is only one textual occurrence of this operator. We do that by putting it inside a named function:

function Pick(s: set<int>): int
  requires s != {}
  var x :| x in s; x

With this function, we write the function part of the function-by-method Max as

  var x := Pick(s);
  if s == {x} then
    Maximum(Max(s - {x}), x)

12. What you remove may differ from what you just added

The second issue is that we will need to help the verifier along in the proof of invariance for the loop. The reason is that the next element that the loop adds to the growing set r may not be the same element that the Pick function would choose when going in the opposite direction. Specifically, if the loop adds x to r as it's computing Max(r + {x}), there's no reason to believe that the definition of Max(r + {x}) picks x and recurses on Max(r). (Again, for a simpler example and better motivation, see [1].)

This lemma is tricky to prove, even if you've written similar proofs several times. An additional complication for our function Max is that Max requires its argument to be nonempty. Here is the lemma and a proof:

lemma MaxOfOneMore(t: set<int>, x: int)
  requires t != {} && x !in t
  ensures Max(t + {x}) == Maximum(Max(t), x)
  decreases |t|
  var u := t + {x};
  var z := Pick(u);
  var u'x, u'z := u - {x}, u - {z};
  assert Max(u) == Maximum(Max(u'z), z);

  if z == x {
    // Straight from the definition of Max
  } else if t == {z} {
    assert u'z == {x} && u'x == {z};
    // This is known about Max on singletons:
    assert Max(u'z) == x;
    assert Max(u'x) == z;
    // So, regardless of which of x and z gets picked first, the result is the same
    assert Max(u) == Maximum(x, z) == Maximum(z, x);
  } else {
    var u'z'x := u'z - {x};
    calc {
      Maximum(Max(u'z), z);
    ==  { assert u'z == (u'z'x) + {x}; }
      Maximum(Max((u'z'x) + {x}), z);
    ==  { MaxOfOneMore(u'z'x, x); }
      Maximum(Maximum(Max(u'z'x), x), z);
    ==  // Maximum is commutative and associative
      Maximum(Maximum(Max(u'z'x), z), x);
    ==  { MaxOfOneMore(u'z'x, z); }
      Maximum(Max(u'z'x + {z}), x);
    ==  { assert u'z'x + {z} == u'x == t; }
      Maximum(Max(t), x);

That's a mouthful. But once you have the lemma, using it once in the loop body finishes the proof of our function-by-method:

function Max(s: set<int>): (m: int)
  requires s != {}
  var x := Pick(s);
  if s == {x} then
    Maximum(Max(s - {x}), x)
} by method {
  m :| m in s;
  var r := {m};
  while r != s
    invariant {} != r <= s
    invariant m == Max(r)
    var x :| x in s - r;
    MaxOfOneMore(r, x);
    r := r + {x};
    if m < x {
      m := x;

13. Termination

A final remark. It looks as if Max uses the lemma MaxOfOneMore, and the lemma uses Max. Doesn't this mutual recursion mean we have to prove termination? No, because there's isn't actually any mutual recursion in this example. To understand why, remember that the two parts of a function-by-method are treated as if they were one function and one method (see Section 8). This function and method are different points in the call graph, where calls to Max from ghost contexts go to the function part and calls to Max from compiled contexts go to the method part. Therefore, we have that the following call-graph edges:

Max (function) --> Max (function)
MaxOfOneMore   --> MaxOfOneMore, Max (function)
Max (method)   --> MaxOfOneMore, Max (function)

As you can see from these, the function part of Max is recursive and the lemma is recursive, but there is no mutual recursion.

14. Summary

I started this note with the innocent problem of how to prove the termination of two mutually recursive functions. As the solution, I showed the Parent Trick. I then changed the code to make it compilable, which introduced proof obligations to show certain choices to be deterministic. This can be better solved using a function-by-method, so I gave a brief introduction to Dafny's function-by-method declaration and used it to present two solutions. The more straightforward solution worked for the example at hand, whereas the second solution shows a more typical pattern for such method implementations.


I'm grateful to Mikaël Mayer for asking a question about these mutually recursive functions, which propelled me to write this note, and for his helpful comments on the write-up. The function-by-method construct was designed as a direct outgrowth of some collaborative work with Daniel Matichuk, Olivier Savary Belanger, and Mike Dodds, where as a step toward verified compilation we were considering how to implement immutable things with mutable things.


[0]K. Rustan M. Leino. Compiling Hilbert's epsilon operator. In Ansgar Fehnker, Annabelle McIver, Geoff Sutcliffe, and Andrei Voronkov, editors, LPAR-20. 20th International Conferences on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning — Short Presentations, volume 35 of EPiC Series in Computing, pages 106118. EasyChair, 2015. https://​easychair.​org/​publications/​paper/​dM. 🔎
[1]K. Rustan M. Leino. Dafny power user: Functions over set elements. Manuscript KRML 274, February 2020. http://​leino.​science/​papers/​krml274.​html. 🔎